Background Report: The HPF 2022 Roadmap to Recovery
This Background Report sets out the reasoned justification behind the Habitat Professional Forum 2022 Roadmap for a Just and Regenerative Recovery, which is a response to the ongoing global health crisis from the perspective of human settlements professionals. The Roadmap sets out twenty-two propositions for harnessing the collective potential contribution of the human settlement professions who are partners in the Habitat Professionals. These propositions are a call to change the way we plan and manage our cities and regions, and to make them fit for purpose in the Post-Covid World. If acted upon, these Propositions will help align the separate and disparate actions of government at all levels and link policies to delivery mechanisms.
The full Background Report is available here.
About the Habitat Professional Forum
The Habitat Professional Forum is a voluntary affiliation of international and regional associations of Human Settlements Professionals involved in sustainable urban development. The HPF aims to foster cooperation and partnership between the Human Settlements Professionals and UN-HABITAT through dialogue and partnerships, and by providing leading-edge information and expertise that contribute to the implementation of the Habitat Agenda and sustainable urban development. Members are independent, non-profit and non-governmental organisations that are international or regional associations of Human Settlements Professionals supporting sustainable urban development.