Board of Directors 2024-2025
Members and Missions
Traditionally the World President convenes four Board Meetings:
- In May (after his/her inauguration during the World Real Estate Congress);
- In September (in the city of his/her country);
- In December (during the Global Leadership Summit);
- In March (at MIPIM Cannes).
The Board of Directors is composed of members selected from the membership:
- The World President in Office;
- The President-Elect;
- The Immediate Past World President;
- The Vice President;
- The Regional Presidents;
- The Treasurer;
- The Presidents of World Councils;
- The President of the Conferences Committee
- The President of the Finance Committee
- The President of the Nominations Committee
- Six members, elected by the General Assembly for three-year terms, so that one third of them are renewed by election, each year;
- One member designated by the President in Office, for the duration of his/her term;
- The President of the Young Professionals Committee, elected by the General Assembly for a two-year term;
- The Secretary-General (on an “ex officio” basis but shall have no vote).
The Board is vested with the broadest powers to administer the Association, within the limits of its stated purpose, and subject to the powers of the General Assembly:
- It shall make all decisions concerning the management, protection of the Federation’s assets, and management of its funds.
- It shall conduct all business and affairs of the Federation in the interests of its good management.
- It shall make all decisions relative to the common interests and see that they are enacted.
- It shall establish and may modify the Internal Regulations and the Conference Manual.
- It shall decide as to the acceptance and use of gifts and legacies.
- It may at any time constitute working groups as it may deem fit and enter into any contracts.
- It shall be represented in Court, either as a plaintiff or as the defendant, by its World President, its Secretary-General, or by other Board Representatives appointed by the President.
- Il shall submit FIABCI’s budget for each financial year to the General Assembly for approval.
Last Board Meeting
6 November 2024
Next Board Meeting
2 December 2024
Barcelona, Spain
BOARD 2024-2025

Kee Su YU
President of Finance Committee

Tengku Dato Ab. Aziz TENGKU MAHMUD
President of World Council of Developpers & Investors

President of World Council of Managers

Elected Board Member

Manuel RIZZO
Elected Board Member

Nominated Board Member

President of Young Professionals Committee