A Message from World President Assen Makedonov
Dear FIABCI Community,
I’ve recently returned from Malaysia, Cambodia and Vietnam where with our delegation we enjoyed re-connecting with long-time FIABCI colleagues and meeting new ones in our efforts to expand FIABCI’s footprint in this region. That’s one of the great things about FIABCI ― creating a global business network of like-minded professionals, many of who become life-long friends.
Since being together in Dubai last spring for our World Congress, I’ve traveled to many FIABCI events, including to Colombia in October for the very first Young Members Congress; to New York City where a group of FIABCI representatives met with officials from UN-Habitat; and to the US, Tunisia, Russia, Austria, Hungary and elsewhere, to attend Principal Member and FIABCI Chapter events, including recognizing industry excellence at national property award ceremonies.
Next on the calendar is our Global Business Summit in Bali, December 6 - 8. This will be the first Global Business Summit organized outside of Europe in Asia since 1982, and I can’t think of a better place to be in December! Bali needs no introduction. It is a world renown destination for global gatherings. As all eyes are on Asia as the world’s most promising emerging real estate market, Bali is a most fitting location for our 2018 Summit.
This year’s Summit program is packed with educational and informative sessions that should elicit a stimulating exchange of viewpoints on the key agenda topics: International Tourism Development and Affordable Housing. These topics have more in common that one might think. The past decade has seen a surge in global tourism and the ascent of cities that has brought more people (local and tourists) into urban centers where there is often a woeful lack of adequate housing. As a result, the interests of residents can be at odds with the many good things tourism brings to a market. Cities must create more inclusive and sustainable places for residents and visitors alike. I look forward to the discussions on these and other related topics.
As an added treat, the President of Indonesia is scheduled to inaugurate our Summit; signaling the importance of our business to the country’s top development goals. There is little doubt that the Bali Summit will be both productive and memorable.
If you haven’t yet registered, there is still time. Take a look at the program schedule and consider adding a few days for post-Summit events and to discover this magical destination. I hope to see you in Bali!
Assen Makedonov
FIABCI World President 2018-19