FIABCI-España Chapter Profile
The second annual report resulting from the global initiative FIABCI Chapter Profile is now available. It provides our Members and the global real estate industry with reliable and up-to-date information on the market and related aspects for further assessment and to conduct business abroad.
The FIABCI-España Chapter Profile features five main sections focusing on Spain with data collected from reliable sources and reviewed by the Chapter: Demographic Overview; Macroeconomic Overview; Infrastructure, Environment and Urban Development; General Overview; and Real Estate Overview. In addition to this, important details about the respective Chapter are also available at the beginning of the comprehensive report.
Initially titled “Country Profile”, the conceptualization of the annual report began in September 2017 in Bangalore, India, as a common solution to two major priorities: on one hand, to engage more young members in the activities of FIABCI by encouraging their direct and continuous involvement in international exchange programs; on the other hand, to regularly provide the FIABCI Community and global real estate industry with reliable and up-to-date information on the market and related aspects for further assessment and to conduct business aboard.
Since then, the International Real Estate Federation has been working alongside its Board Members, Young Members Committee Presidents, and Officers to design and develop this inclusive and sustainable program otherwise known as the FIABCI Chapter Profile.
Read the FIABCI-España Chapter Profile here or watch the video below.